Dems Cannot Face Up to the Unpopularity of Their Policies
David Wallace-Wells is the latest in denying popular disapproval of progressive notions
In the Nov. 22 NY Times, David Wallace-Wells “Why You May be Wrong About Harris’s Loss” asks the question, “So why have Americans continued to associate a social -justice agenda with Democrats, if so few of them have been publicly pushing those position over the past five years?” Huh???!!!!! The Democrats, and in particular the Biden administration, have absolutely been pushing a social justice agenda for his entire term. Let me count the ways: 1. Government Wide DEI; 2. Support for Transgender Ideology; 3. Loose Border Policy; 4. Lack of Support for Police Officers; 5. Pushing social justice ideology wherever they have the chance.
All of Government DEI
Racial discrimination is unpopular in the USA. This was made clear a few years ago when there was a proposition to reintroduce “racial preference” into college admissions in California, a very blue state. Despite being much better financed than the effort to defeat the prop, it lost 57 - 43%. Yes. In California. Now… might have expected the Biden folks to look at that and take a cautious approach to DEI, which is the use of racial discrimination to achieve equal outcomes. If 13.5% of the population is of sub Saharan African origin, than 13.5% of astrophysicists must be African American. And if it takes racial discrimination to get there, then so be it. Equity is the most important consideration. Fairness to the individual (who claims that he had no control over which race he was born into) can take the back seat. So the Biden administration threw caution to the wind and mandated all of government DEI. Each department was required to have a DEI chief and employees were told they were expected to be all in for DEI. So how….how….how….can anyone make the claim of David W-W, that Dems have not been publicly pushing social justice??? It is beyond crazy.
Support for Transgenderism
Biden went on TV to tell parents to affirm their kids transitory self-assessments of “gender-identity.” Never mind the frailty of human self-assessment or the fact that Biden does not know your kid, he thought himself qualified to advise. Many studies have shown that if parents just watchfully wait, most kids change their minds, fairly quickly. And when states passed legislation to prevent the sex-mimicry industry from victimizing children, the Biden admin sued them. And now, Rachel Levine was not unqualified for her administration position, but I do suspect that part of the reason she was installed was that they actively wanted a transgender official. And then she reviewed the next iteration of the WPATH standards of care and got WPATH to change them, to take out the age limits for intervention. This is a scandal that the media has generally left unreported. That was not careful scientific enquiry dedicated to helping children, but a purely political move.
Loose Border Policy
When Biden took office, he could have let the effort to build an improved barrier with Mexico proceed until the allocated funding was exhausted. That is generally more efficient, “finish what you are doing, but we are not going to allocate further funds.” But, instead, he issued an executive order saying, “stop now.” That is not efficient. The tools the administration deployed to reduce unauthorized immigration in anticipation of the election could have been deployed long before.
Lack of Support for Police Officers
The American Rescue Plan was a massive 1.9 trillion dollar spending bill - with none for the police, despite rising crime rates in 2021. Five months later Biden finally addressed the national crime trauma by saying that localities were free to spend some of the rescue plan bucks on law enforcement. What took so long??!!! So far as I know he has not said, “there are a lot of good police officers, out there.” Why not. Surely there are.
Pushing Progressive Ideology
From Defense Department schools teaching that it is white people that have caused Black people to have lower net worth, to US embassies flying the rainbow flag, the Biden Admin. has pushed extreme social justice rhetoric.
Hey - you can do these things if you want. But then, do not be surprised if you lose the next election. Don’t sit there saying, “but we were not really Social Justice Warriors, when, excuse me, yes you were. Do not insult White People by not capitalizing the word “white” when used to designate race, as the Biden Administration did in court filings, and then be so surprised when it turns out that White People do not like being treated disrespectfully. Please, do not be surprised that people do not like being the butt of racial discrimination. No, there is no pre-birth spirit world where people get to choose their race. And if you insist, against all scientific evidence that there is a secret deep-within seat of gender identify, and that once you reach this inner determiner you know for sure what gender you are, detransitioners notwithstanding, please, please, please do not be surprised if voters say, “that’s bullshit” and vote against you.